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雷觉文 Raymond Lei

雷觉文 (Raymond Lei)

IDP武汉  英美高级顾问  英国、美国,高中、本科、研究生申请

工作感言:留学服务是一项需要用心去服务的工作,家长与学生选择了他,就是把孩子的未来托付给了他,需要用爱心,细心以及耐心去为孩子们的未来铸造一块有份量的敲门砖。看到学生收到录取通知时的喜悦,觉得家长与他的努力都是值得的。 更多


专栏 2016-03-08 15:58:21



l  宏观:生物科学是从分子、细胞、机体乃至生态系统等不同层次研究生命现象的本质、生物的起源进化、遗传变异、生长发育等生命活动规律的科学;主要专业有:动物学、植物学、生物化学、细胞生物学、微生物学、遗传学、生物工程、分子生物学、生态学、植物生理学、生物统计、环境保护、基因工程、蛋白质与酶工程、发酵工程、细胞工程、现代生物学实验技术

l  微观:也叫生物工艺、生物技术,是生物科学与工程技术有机结合而兴起的一门综合性的科学技术。也就是说,它是以生物科学为基础,运用先进的科学原理和工程技术手段来加工或改造生物材料; 主要专业有:有机化学、生物化学、微生物学、生化工程、生物工程学等;

l  生物信息学,近年来发展并完善起来的热门交叉学科,最初常被称为基因组信息学;主要专业有:生物学、生物化学、分子生物学、生物统计学、数据库、计算机软件基础、生物信息学、基因芯片技术、生命系统建模等;

l  生物医学工程是综合生物学、医学和工程技术学的交叉学科。主要专业有:生物传感技术、细胞生物学、生物化学、遗传分子生物学等


l  英国的生物科学拥有世界级的声誉,在生命科学方面拿到超过20座的诺贝尔奖,从过去发现DNA的结构,到近代细胞培养技术的发展,英国科学家在这个领域已有许多重大的突破英国拥有大约500家生物科技工业应用公司,比欧洲任何家都多。英国大学在生物科学的研究品质领先世界。未来英国及中国的大学之间,在生物科学部分将会有越来越多的共同合作。

l  生物专业对学生的专业背景要求严格,一定程度上优化了学生的学习环境

l  同时,英国的教育硕士的课程设置非常灵活,学生可以根据自己的兴趣制定研究课题,可以为今后进入职场,积累一定的实际经验

l  再加上英国的学制比较短,使得在众多留学国家中,在英国获取该专业硕士学位的优势脱颖而出。

l  英国的生物专业发展历史悠久,而且分类非常细致,对于学生往某一特定的专业方向进行深入研究更有利


l  相关生物研究类的研究所是这类专业毕业生的很好选择,

l  生物类的公司

l  政府单位

l  有自己的研究室的高校机构


伦敦大学学院(UCLBiochemical Engineering MSc


Bioprocess Synthesis and Process Mapping

Heat and Mass Transfer in Bioprocesses

Fluid Flow and Mixing in Bioprocesses

Advanced Bioreactor Engineering

Integrated Downstream Processing

Commercialisation of Bioprocess Research

Mammalian Cell Culture and Stem Cell Processing

Bioprocess Validation and Quality Control

l  入学要求:Normal entry requirements are at least a second-class Bachelor's degree from a UKuniversity or the equivalent from an approved overseas institution. Candidates offering recent industrial experience are also encouraged to apply. As with any engineering discipline numeracy skills are important for the quantitative description of biological and physical phenomena. Evidence of numerical ability is requested as either an A level in Mathematics (or in exceptional cases, in Physics) or some mathematics studied at university. The department provides mathematics tutoring for Master's students throughout the year adjusted to a candidate's ability.

l  语言要求Good level: Overall grade of 7.0 with a minimum of 6.0 in each of the subtests.?

华威大学(The University of Warwick MSc in Biotechnology, Bioprocessing and Business Management


Introduction to the fundamentals of biotechnology

Molecular biology and genetic engineering

Biochemical engineering

Bioproduct plant design and economic analysis

Business strategy

Accounting and financial management

Marketing management

Bioproduct development and commercial exploitation

Regulation & approval of biopharmaceuticals



Microbial contamination of processes and products

Environmental protection, risk assessment and safety

Impact of biotechnology on the use of natural resources

Advances in biotechnology and genetic engineering

E-business: Technology and management

Chemotherapy of infectious disease

Vaccines and gene therapy

l  入学要求: For admission to taught MSc programmes candidates should normally have obtained at least a second class honours degree, or an equivalent qualification in a scientific or another appropriate discipline.

l  语言要求 IELTS (International English Language Testing System) with a minimum score of 6.5 (with no component score below 6.0)

巴斯大学(University of Bath MSc BioSciences


Commonly chosen 6-credit units include:

Molecular mechanisms of disease

Enzymes in biotechnology and medicine

Cellular biochemistry

Current topics in gene regulation and cell differentiation

Molecular and medical neurobiology


Molecular biology of microbial adaptation

The evolution of genetic systems

Structural biology in biotechnology and medicine

Plant reproductive biology

Human developmental disorders

Molecular immunology

Practical molecular biology

Plant response to abiotic stress

Microbial genetics

Modern methods of researching neurodegeneration

l  入学要求:At least an upper second class honours degree or equivalent.

l  语言要求IELTS 6.5 (with not less than 6.0 in each of the four components). TOEFL 92 (internet-based test) Writing 21, Listening 21, Reading 22, Speaking 23.

艾克赛特大学(University of Exeter MSc Biotechnology and Enterprise


Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

Environmental and Applied Biotechnology

Business Awareness: Theory and Practice

Entrepreneurship: New Business Development

Professional Skills

Masters Research Project in Biotechnology and Enterprise

Strategic Innovation Management

l  入学要求:Normally at least a 2:1 Honours degree or equivalent in a biological science or relevant subject.

l  语言要求:IELTS overall score of 6.5, with no less than 6.0 in any section. TOEFL IBT overall score of 92, with no


